Tarot & Oracle Readings

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Me offering an online tarot and oracle reading in 2020.

As a teenager, I was witness to my best friend receiving an amazingly accurate and life changing reading and I have been intrigued by Tarot & Oracle cards ever since . I was gifted my first deck for my 25th birthday and have collected them in the years since, however, it wasn't until I went through a "Tower" (life changing/traumatic) moment that I began seeking guidance through readings. Over the last several years I have often gathered with friends who read and I began developing my relationship with reading and understanding the meanings of the cards. I have come to find that they are a powerful way to validate your thoughts when you need confirmation, and are a comfort when seeking solace through difficult times.

Oracle/tarot rates are $25 for a 15 minute reading, $45 for a 30 minute reading, $60 for a 45 minute reading, and $75 for an hour reading. I often use multiple decks for each reading and each one is uniquely guided. I will also photograph and send you any cards and information that really resonates with you so you can have it for reference. I live in Louisville, KY and am available to do group readings for parties, gatherings, housewarmings, and special events. I also offer private readings via zoom.

Book a reading……
